What is the purpose of life on earth? Is there an afterlife? How are we to imagine life in the spiritual world? These questions about our existence reach into the spiritual reality of the beyond, a reality which is inaccessible by our physical senses and by present day methods of natural-scientific research.


During 35 years (1948–1983) two spirit teachers from the beyond transmitted more than 2500 lectures on the Christian spirit teaching. These lectures of 60–90 minutes’ duration tie in with the tradition and insights of early Christianity and inform on Christ’s life and mission, the divine creation as well as sense and purpose of earthly life. A small number of the lectures transmitted through Beatrice Brunner stem from deceased human beings; they report about the consequences of their past life on earth, their way of thinking and their deeds and describe their experiences in the world beyond.

The lectures channelled through Beatrice Brunner have been published in German in the journal “Geistige Welt” since 1948 and in English in the journal “Spiritual World” as well as in various book series. The lectures recorded on audio and video tapes in German are replayed on the occasion of divine services – this since 2001 in a hall in Zurich built especially for this purpose.